The case instantly made headlines across the country and around the world, prompting three more women - including one from a different hospital - to come forward saying they thought they had also been attacked. ", Governor Cludio Castro stated, "I was appalled to learn of the brutal case of the anesthesiologist at the Hospital da Mulher, in So Joo de Meriti, filmed raping a patient. pos: 'right_rail_3', }); window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) { Assine nossa newsletter e receba um boletim matinal exclusivo. I had never seen anything like it. El abogado luego le inform a BBC News Brasil el lunes que ya no representaba a Bezerra en el caso. Web3 subscribers in the stopthinkingit community. Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, an anesthetist, has been arrested for sexually assaulting a pregnant woman. Agncia de notcias brasileira, pblica e de acesso livre, gerida pela Empresa Brasil de Comunicao (EBC). Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, 32, is being investigated for raping up to six pregnant women he had sedated during C-section operations at two hospitals in Rio de Janiero, Bezerra (left and right) was arrested on July 10 after suspicious nursing staff secretly recorded him during a C-section, capturing what appeared to be 10 minutes of oral rape. Criana internada em estado grave, Bruna Marquezine no a primeira: veja outros brasileiros em filmes de super-heris, Ataque a creche em Blumenau: assassino possui passagens pela polcia, diz comandante da PM, Blumenau: me resgatou filho ferido e levou ao hospital aps ataque creche, diz prefeito, Lula assina decretos de saneamento que permitem R$ 120 bi em investimento at 2033. Giovanni Bezerra est em priso preventiva, decretada pela juza Rachel Assad. It says that some of Bezerras colleagues grew suspicion of him after it was noticed that he sedated C-section patients so heavily that they were barely conscious. 'I am fully aware of their size': Florence Pugh blasts 'VULGAR' trolling over see-through dress, IS THIS WHEN IT BEGAN? Bus washes away in flash flood in Uttrakhand's Nainital, Drunk youths sitting in moving car's open boot, video goes viral, Mumbai: Man performs dangerous bike stunt with two women on road, video goes viral, Karnataka farmer kisses PM Modi's pic, Piyush Goyal tweet goes viral, Tripura BJP MLA caught watching porn in assembly, video goes viral, Cute kids sing Ram Navami song, Piyush Goyal's tweet goes viral, Watch: Sloth bear killed in fight with tiger at Jim Corbett National Park, Man beats puppy to death in MP's Gwalior, video goes viral, Uddhav Thackeray visits pregnant woman allegedly thrashed by Eknath Shinde supporter, Newly born child dies while being transferred to hospital in doli in Anakapalli, CCTV: Relatives of a pregnant woman vandalize hospital in Kerala over alleged wrong treatment, J&K: Indian Army evacuates pregnant woman in pain from snow-bound Nawapachi, Pregnant woman carried on cot to hospital in Surguja, J&K: Indian Army rescues pregnant woman from a village in Kupwara, Kerala: Pregnant woman, husband dies in road mishap in Kannur, On cam: Pregnant woman, husband charred to death after their car catches fire in Kannur, Srinagar: Pregnant Women evacuated by Indian Army, Civil Administration, Woman thought she had kidney stones but she was delivering a baby, Pregnant woman among 3 killed in Chhatarpur accident, Pregnant woman denied treatment in Raigad health facility, delivers stillborn baby in ambulance, Mother manages to save all her kids but one, pregnant woman among six victims in Delhi, Pregnant woman killed in road accident in Mohali, Brick laden truck runs over 8-month pregnant woman in Bhopal, Pregnant woman carried to hospital in stretcher, 26-year-old man arrested for assaulting pregnant woman inside train in Thane, SUV crashes into tree at Telangana's Yacharam, 7-year-old, pregnant woman killed, Terms of Use and Grievance Redressal Policy. divId: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-3', The comments below have not been moderated. Police are now investigating whether more women could have been targeted, including the first two patients on Sunday. Womens Aid provides alive chat service- available weekdaysfrom8am-6pmand weekends 10am-6pm. Reports say di video allegedly show how Giovanni Quintella Bezerra wey be anaesthetist dey put im private part inside di mouth of di woman wen doctors dey Who is Melody Maldonado? MEAWW is an initialism for Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide. G1 dijo que el acto habra durado 10 minutos. De acordo com o Cremerj, a cassao definitiva do registro a penalidade mais alta, de acordo com a legislao vigente. She also suffered muscular dystrophy from being unable to move around, lost some of her old memories, and lost most of her hair. WebDr Giovanni Quintella Bezerra video is going viral on twitter. url: 'anesthetist,arrested,after,allegedly,raping,a,woman,while,she,was,undergoing,a,c,section',
tude.cmd.push(function() { B.E. So the nurses secretly recorded him during a third procedure, and thats when they allegedly caught him assaulting the patient. Mdico anestesista Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, de 31 anos, foi preso no Rio de Janeiro depois que funcionrios da unidade de sade o filmaram estuprando uma paciente durante o parto dela Divulgao/Polcia Civil do Rio de Janeiro Da CNN 28/03/2023 s 19:28 0:00 Masthead. Dr Bezerra - who qualified as an anaesthetist two months ago - was arrested on Monday on suspicion of rape. tag: 'mandc,giovanni-quintella-bezerra', }); The woman said she could not remember everything that happened, but does recall him whispering in her ears asking if she was okay, according to, A Surprise Accusation Bolsters a Risky Case Against Trump, Stormy Daniels must pay $122,000 in Trump legal bills. As principais notcias e o melhor do nosso contedo, direto no seu email. Management Segn la Polica Civil, el equipo que llev a cabo el arresto se despleg para confirmar la informacin de que el anestesista haba sedado a una paciente durante una cesrea y haba abusado de ella. Pregnant woman who failed to get off $215 ticket for driving Pictured: Transgender Tory MP Jamie Wallis' Mercedes after NHS faces #MeToo moment as dozens of female doctors speak Anaesthetist 'sexually assaults pregnant woman during C-section after heavily sedating her to carry out attack' | The Sun, Polcia apura se anestesista estuprou outras duas grvidas no mesmo dia do flagrante | Rio de Janeiro | G1, Anestesista preso aps estupro ru por erro de diagnstico; paciente ficou em coma e perdeu dedo | Rio de Janeiro | G1. The patient was bounced through another doctor until a fourth correctly diagnosed severe pneumonia, and discovered she had just 25 per cent lung function. So hes a former anesthesiologist, she said. De acordo com os peritos, a quantidade ultrapassa a quantidade usual utilizada em cesarianas, como foi notado pela equipe de enfermeiras que registraram o crime em vdeo. Anaesthesiologist Giovanni Quintella Bezerra was arrested at the Women's Hospital in Sao Joao de Meriti, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, in the early hours of Monday. Ele foi preso em julho do ano passado e acusado de ter estuprado uma mulher durante o parto dela em um hospital em So Joo de Meriti, na Baixada Fluminense. Por Camila Bairros 29/03/2023 7h38. Web#GiovanniQuintellaBezerra #anesthesiologist #Brazil #hiddencam #viralstory #Nurse Vials of sedative used during the surgeries have also been submitted as evidence, and police have seized the doctor's phone. Play it now! O Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Cremerj) anunciou nesta tera-feira (28) que decidiu pela cassao definitiva do registro profissional do anestesista Giovanni Quintella Bezerra. Twitter has a field day as news of Donald Trump's indictment and Gwyneth Paltrow's ski crash trial victory land within hours of each other, Britney on the brink? Anaesthesiologist Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, 32, was arrested on suspicion of rape after he was secretly filmed orally raping a woman after putting her to sleep at the Hospital da Mulher in So Joo de Meriti, Rio de Janeiro. }); !function(n){if(!window.cnx){window.cnx={},window.cnx.cmd=[];var t=n.createElement('iframe');t.display='none',t.onload=function(){var n=t.contentWindow.document,c=n.createElement('script');c.src='//',c.setAttribute('async','1'),c.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'),n.body.appendChild(c)},n.head.appendChild(t)}}(document); La BBC no se hace responsable del contenido de sitios externos. Trump's Mar-a-Lago speech 'lacked energy' for key reason, expert says, Donald Trump enters plea after turning himself in to face hush-money charges, Trump rips indictment & gives son bizarre shoutout in speech after arraignment, Influencer Malu Trevejo is blasted for 'lies' over abuse lawsuit, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Dr Giovanni Quintella Bezerra has been arrested on suspicion of raping a patient, Authorities are investigating if he assaulted any other patients, caught on camera violating the heavily sedated patient. Copyright 2023 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. O anestesista foi preso aps estuprar uma paciente sedada durante o parto em um hospital em So Joo de Meriti, na Baixada Fluminense. document.querySelector("#ads").addEventListener('click',function(){ Giovanni Bezerra est em priso preventiva, decretada pela juza Rachel Assad. Therefore, sedation in obstetrics, when used, is synonymous with minimal application, she said, according to CNN Brasil. WebGiovanni Quintella Bezerra Profiles | Facebook People named Giovanni Quintella Bezerra Find your friends on Facebook Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Dr. Giovanni Quintella Bezerra maniacally violated this woman receiving a C section. Avoid rooms where you might become trapped, such as the bathroom, or where you might be shut into a cupboard or other small space. kw: 'mandc,giovanni-quintella-bezerra', Ao todo, j so 1.390 denunciados no mbito dos inquritos que tratam dos ataques aos prdios do STF, Congresso e Palcio do Planalto, Pesquisa mostra que polarizao da eleio presidencial de 2022 entre Lula e Bolsonaro continua dividindo parte da sociedade, Ex-presidente ir depor nesta quarta-feira sobre caso das joias que recebeu do governo da Arbia Saudita, A ex-BBB posou j com o novo visual: 'Vem novidades por a', Caso aconteceu em Duque de Caxias, na Baixada Fluminense. } We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Bezerra will be kept in Bangu, Brazil's largest jail complex to the west of Rio where some of the country's most notorious and high-value prisoners are kept. cat: 'news', Always keep some money on you, including change for a pay phone or bus fare. The hospital nurses and technicians rearranged the delivery room to film his actions during surgeries, Globo reports. During the coma, the patient lost her big toe, sustained severe damage to her Achillies tendon, and lost a large amount of her hair. Brazilian anaesthetist Giovanni Quintella Bezerra has been arrested over allegations of a sexual assault on a woman while she was sedated during C-section surgery, The Daily Mail reports. O anestesista foi preso aps ser gravado por enfermeiras do centro cirrgico do Hospital da Mulher Heloneida Studart, em So Joo de Meriti, em 10 de julho de 2022, no momento em que ele estuprava uma mulher na sala de parto. Com isso, Giovanni Quintella Bezerra fica totalmente impedido de exercer a medicina no Brasil. Suscrbete! The accused has been identified as Dr Giovanni Quintella Bezerra who orally raped a woman after heavily sedating her in the hospital in Rio de Janeiro. ga('ads.send', { tude.refreshAdsViaDivMappings([ { eventAction: 'click_ads' AN anaesthetist accused of raping a woman during a C-section could have done the same to two other mums the same day, colleagues fear. targeting: { Tiene el ttulo de especialista en anestesiologa y un registro profesional regular. It was then that nurses called police, telling officers that they began to suspect Bezerra a month before because of the unusually heavy amount of sedation he used. Mientras tanto, al lado derecho de la sbana, a menos de un metro de distancia de sus colegas, un hombre, que es identificado en el video como el anestesista, se posiciona cerca del rostro de la paciente. Ana Cristina Pinho, an anesthesiologist speaking on the behalf of the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology, said the doctor arrested for raping a patient during childbirth in Rio de Janeiro gave the woman a higher dose than prescribed, which placed the patients life and the unborn infant at risk, CNN Brasil reports. An anaesthetist was caught on camera raping a pregnant woman during a C-section in Brazil. Registry of Corporate Directors. He then takes a tissue and wipes the victims mouth to hide the evidence of his crime. 'Let's avoid calling him sick,' she added. gads_event = event; Bezerra has since qualified as an anaesthetist - only passing in April this year - and has now been accused of using his new position to carry out at least one, and possibly a series of, horrifying rapes on pregnant women. Then came law enforcement. Se voc valoriza o bom jornalismo, ajude CartaCapital a seguir lutando por um novo Brasil. Me senti mais digno', PGR denuncia mais 203 pessoas por atos antidemocrticos de 8 de janeiro, Datafolha: 30% se dizem petistas, e 22%, bolsonaristas, Gleisi e Janones provocam Bolsonaro em dia de depoimento PF: 'Primeiro encontro com a Justia', Ataque em escolas: Rio vai usar boto de pnico e inteligncia da Polcia Civil, Aps trmino, Key Alves posta aperitivo de ensaio para plataforma adulta, Homem coloca fogo em nibus e deixa quatro feridos. kw: 'mandc,giovanni-quintella-bezerra', Posteriormente, el abogado le inform a BBC News Brasil que se haba retirado del caso, y los reporteros de la BBC no han podido localizar a los nuevos representantes del acusado. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit: Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit. El sanitario fue identificado por las autoridades como Giovanni Quintella Bezerra. O mdico foi preso em flagrante no dia 10 de julho do ano passado, denunciado por ter estuprado uma mulher, durante o parto, no centro cirrgico do Hospital da Mulher Heloneida Studart, em So Joo de Meriti, na Baixada Fluminense. Giovanni Quintella Bezerra fue captado infraganti por sus compaeras de trabajo del Hospital de la Mujer Heloneida Studart, en Ro de Janeiro, Brasil, abusando El domingo, el mdico haba participado en otras cirugas en salas donde las grabaciones escondidas hubieran sido inviables. ministrava sedativos em doses que assegurassem a absoluta incapacidade de resistir. The prison has a well-worn reputation for both violence and drug use among inmates, and is said to be run by the notoriousCommanda Vermelha gang. Todos direitos reservados a Editora Globo S/A. Com um celular escondido num armrio com porta de vidro, elas conseguiram registrar as imagens. tude.refreshAdsViaDivMappings([ { Superhero mom clings to SUV after carjacker drives off with her children, Internet fumes as bodega worker Jose Alba is charged while victim's GF who stabbed him walks FREE, Barbara Lomb, from the local police station, told Globo, "The same nursing team, which did a brilliant job, worthy of all praise, also collected vials of substances that were given to the victim, possibly for the crime to be committed. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), As per this report, Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, 32, had qualified as an anaesthetist in April 2022, three months before his video went viral. baseDivId: 'pb-slot-right-1', Segn el portal de noticias G1, el cual tuvo acceso al video del momento del crimen, el hombre habra puesto su pene en la boca de la paciente cuando ella estaba bajo los efectos de la anestesia. Giovanni Quintella Bezerra has been described as a 32-year-old anesthesiologist who works at Hospital da Mulheire in So Joo de They decided to change the room one delivery was due to take place in at the last minute in a bid to secretly film him on a hidden mobile phone. INFORMATION SistersInc. This has got to be one Expert reveals the best way to stroke your cat so they don't snap at you, McDonald's fan reveals the 'best and only way' to eat a Cheeseburger: 'It is out of this world, you've been doing it wrong', Tekashi 6ix9ine attackers arrested: Three men in custody a week after 'snitch' rapper was 'beaten to a pulp' in LA Fitness sauna in Florida, 'Stubborn' passenger sparks debate after refusing to swap seats so a mom could sit with her toddler on flight, The optometrist who faces ruin after losing: 76-year-old demanded $300,000 from Paltrow but must now pay her legal bill after court case that revealed he'd gallivanted around the world despite claiming to be ill, Gwyneth Paltrow wins ski crash lawsuit and says she fought $300,000 case to defend her integrity: Star tells deflated optometrist, 76, 'I wish you well', MAUREEN CALLAHAN: Incredible I know, but Gwynnie 'I-lost-half-a-day-skiing' Paltrow's accuser is even more of a narcissistic phony than her - and here's the evidence in all its cashmere-cardigan-clutching hilarity and horror, Gracious Gwyneth Paltrow is seen telling 'deflated' optometrist: 'I wish you well', moments after he lost ski crash lawsuit, 'Somebody's celebrating with TWO cups of Bone Broth tonight!' } Portanto, sequer a presena de outros profissionais foi capaz de demover o preso da repugnante ao, que contou com a absoluta vulnerabilidade da vtima, condio sobre a qual o autor mantinha sob o seu exclusivo controle, j que ministrava sedativos em doses que assegurassem a absoluta incapacidade de resistir, destaca a magistrada, na deciso. El Consejo emiti una nota confirmando que haba recibido las denuncias y asegur que abri inmediatamente un procedimiento cautelar para la suspensin inmediata del mdico, debido a la gravedad del caso. Such levels of sedation are uncommon during routine procedures and are typically only used on patients in distress or where they may resist attempts to operate on them, experts told Globo. window.tude = window.tude || { cmd: [] }; O anestesista Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, que foi Published: 03:51 EDT, 13 July 2022 | Updated: 04:04 EDT, 13 July 2022. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotOnload', function(event) { Police are investigating the other patients that had surgery on that day to determine if they were also victims of rape by the doctor, Pulse reports. We are one of the worlds fastest growing Bezerra appeared in court for the first time Tuesday, where a judge sentenced him to indefinite detention in solitary confinement while the case is investigated. Escolha a newsletter e inscreva-se! Desde que o caso veio tona, a Polcia Civil do Rio de Janeiro ouviu outras mulheres que foram anestesiadas por Bezerra. O homem foi preso em julho de 2022 e acusado de ter estuprado uma mulher durante o parto dela em um hospital localizado em So Joo de Meriti, na Baixada An assistant of Dr Giovanni Quintella filmed him doing an inappropriate act with the pregnant Woman During A C-Section. "Inmediatamente, los agentes fueron a la unidad hospitalaria y encontraron que, dada la desconfianza que les generaba el mdico, las enfermeras haban resuelto instalar un telfono celular para grabar lo que el hombre haca durante las cirugas", dice la nota divulgada por la polica. Entrepreneurs Summit O Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Cremerj) anunciou nesta tera-feira (28) que decidiu pela cassao definitiva do registro profissional do anestesista Giovanni Quintella Bezerra. Something went wrong, please try again later. James Webb telescope releases stunning image nearly 13 BILLION years old, O SBT conversou com uma fonte do Cremerj, que investiga o caso do mdico anestesista Giovanni Quintella Bezerra , when used, is synonymous with minimal application, she said, according CNN..., Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, the comments below have not been moderated que ya representaba! No seu email, ' she added now investigating whether more women could have been targeted, including for. Le inform a BBC News Brasil el lunes que ya no representaba a en... Joo de Meriti, na Baixada Fluminense Brasil de Comunicao ( EBC ) a Polcia Civil do Rio Janeiro! His crime a Bezerra en el caso alta, de acordo com legislao. To film his actions during surgeries, Globo reports assegurassem a absoluta incapacidade de resistir escondido!, elas conseguiram registrar as imagens not been moderated a C-section in Brazil las autoridades Giovanni! 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