ecclesiastes 10:4 explanation

In Solomon's reign the people were very rich, and lived in prosperity, which perhaps made them proud and petulant, and when the taxes were high, though they had enough to pay them with, it is probable that many conducted themselves insolently towards the government and threatened to rebel. No. It can actually save your life at times. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. Ecclesiastes 10:4 Commentaries: If the ruler's temper rises against you, do not abandon your position, because composure allays great offenses. If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences. 17 Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king is the son of nobles [and therefore prepared for the job], and thy princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness [Theyre self-controlled]! Life can be confusing and complicated. Even when a fool walks along the way, Psalms 16:8; Psalms 110:5; Psalms 121:5). And sometimes in Scripture a nation is described as a house the house of Jacob represents Israel, for example. And someone chopping wood and being endangered by the process. The body staggers if the head be giddy. Evil affects industry, perspective, and personal behavior. And context is probably the most helpful in determining how to translate the verb. You can be as skilled as a snake charmer but ultimately if that snake bites before being charmed which is something you have no control over theres no benefit to your wisdom. 13 The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness: and the end of his talk is mischievous madness. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. What is to be had may be had for money. An obvious statement is made: that deadflies spoil a fine ointment and cause it to smell. Jacob enchanted Esau with a present and Abigail David. Laziness and idleness will eventuate in the roof sagging and leaking. God, by his ordinance, as by a hedge, has inclosed the prerogatives and powers of princes; their persons are under his special protection; those therefore that form any treasonable designs against their peace, their crown, and dignity, are but twisting halters for themselves. the foolish heart to the left. It is all the same over and over (v. 14): A fool also is full of words, a passionate fool especially, that runs on endlessly and never knows when to leave off. A little bird told me is a proverb which appears in a variety of forms and cultures, including Aristophanes The Birds and the Hittite Take of Elkuhirsa. (Eaton). Leave not thy place - i. e., Do not lose thy self-control and quit his presence. It's dumb to just argue over things like that. If we rely solely on human reason and experience, we only find futility and madness. Right and left are natural symbols for the strong and good, on the one hand, and for the weak and bad, on the other hand The Latin word sinister means left. (Wright), ii. He that cleaves the wood, especially if, as it follows, he has sorry tools (v. 10), shall be endangered thereby; the chips, or his own axe-head, will fly in his face. The same rule is to be observed in all relations, for the preserving of the comfort of them. The wrath of the civil magistrate, the chief ruler of the land, the sovereign prince or king, to whom men are and should be subject: if his wrath on any occasion breaks out in a furious manner, and, like a storm and tempest, is very blustering and threatening: leave not thy place; at court; thine office under the prince, do not throw it up in a passion, and quit his service upon it; and much less forget thy duty and allegiance to him, and go into disloyalty and rebellion; see Ecclesiastes 8:3; for yielding pacifieth great offences; bearing his anger patiently, submitting to his displeasure quietly, making no returns, or at least giving soft answers, and behaving in a modest and humble manner; in time his wrath will subside, and he will be pacified, and forgive the offences committed; or be convinced that there were none, or however not so great as to require such resentment; see Proverbs 15:1. It is ill with a people when vicious men are advanced and men of worth are kept under hatches. IF THE SPIRIT OF THE RULER RISE UP _If the anger of the ruler should be kindled against thee, do not resign thy place; In other words, men who are in reputation for wisdom and honor, it's just folly and their life is out of place. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. Several of the fathers understood this differently, If the spirit of the ruler - the influence of Satan - hath risen up against and prevailed over thee, to bring thee into some sin; leave not thy place - do not despair of God's mercy; humble thyself before him, and seek pardon through the Son of his love, and this will be marpe, a remedy or cure even for chataim gedolim, great errors or sins. Previously the Preacher had confidently stated that there is nothing beyond this life, and that this life should be lived with an under the sun premise. WORD AND PHRASE STUDY. "The right" and "the left" (Ecclesiastes 10:2) are not the political right and left, conservatism and liberalism. (Ecclesiastes 10:2-3) Foolishness cant be hidden. 3 Yea also, when he that is a fool walketh by the way, his wisdom faileth him, and he saith [by demonstration] to every one that he is a fool. * 2 The wise heart turns to the right;. Old Testament History ecclesiastes scripture every verses precious bible quotes gift spanish waste opportunity most god choose board each words ecclesiastes deuteronomy verse slides gods serve stone wood neither shall hands which there men work bible nor bibleencyclopedia So I think its better to think of these verbs translated as shall in the KJV to express potential actions using may. 10 If the iron [axe head] be blunt, and he do not whet [sharpen] the edge, then must he put to [exert] more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct [give success]. 7 I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. Jacob enchanted Esau with a present and Abigail David. Someone quarrying stones and being hurt in the process. a. Those that go about to alter a well-modelled well-settled government, under colour of redressing some grievances and correcting some faults in it, will quickly perceive not only that it is easier to find fault than to mend, to demolish that which is good than to build up that which is better, but that they thrust their own fingers into the fire and overwhelm themselves in the ruin they occasion. The reply parallels Amys storyline in Episode 4 when shes onstage for a Q&A in Vegas. And through idleness of hands the house leaks. WebNew International Version. So, dont get terrified and lose your cool, but rather yield to him! But it doesnt always happen. Not to speak ill of our rulers, no, not in secret, ver 20. They warm each other's hearts while they converse together of the love of Christ, or join in singing his praises. New Testament Acts b. Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon are often overlooked scriptural jewels. The temper of a ruler directed toward us is dangerous. Then he must use more strength; Unfortunately, ones good work does not always receive the praise it deserves. Its an error something that shouldnt happen. But the lips of a fool shall swallow him up; b. Woe to you, O land Blessed are you, O land: The Preacher understood that a land was blessed by good, faithful leaders, but cursed under wicked and incompetent leaders. I have seen servants on horses, If we meet New International Reader's Version Chapter Parallel Leave not thy place Humble thyself before him, that is thy place and duty; for yielding to him, and not standing stoutly in thy defence, pacifieth great offenses: and then, when his anger is appeased, he will hear any thing in thy justification, if thou have any thing to offer. Magistrates should eat for strength, that their bodies may be fitted to serve their souls in the service of God and their country, and not for drunkenness, to make themselves unfit to do any thing either for God or man, and particularly to sit in judgment, for they will err through wine (Isa 28 7), will drink and forget the law, Prov 31 5. 1. And in this case, the rich would need to refer to a type of person who is the opposite of foolish. Thats exactly what happens when foolishness enters into a man whos known for his wisdom and honor. These are just sort of proverbs. 2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left. When a rulers temper rises against us, Solomon advises that we not abandon our position, because composure allays great offenses. You break the hedge; the serpent will bite you. 15 The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city. The wrath of the civil magistrate, the chief ruler of the land, the sovereign prince or king, to whom men are and should be subject: if his wrath on any occasion breaks out in a furious manner, and, like a storm and tempest, is very blustering and threatening: leave not thy place; Others do not work at all and so ruin themselves. For such was the He grants there is an evil often seen under the sun, and it is a king's-evil, an evil which the king only can cure, for it is an error which proceeds from the ruler (v. 5); it is a mistake which rulers, consulting their personal affections more than the public interests, are too often guilty of, that men are not preferred according to their merit, but folly is set in great dignity, men of shattered brains, and broken fortunes, are put in places of power and trust, while the rich men of good sense and good estates, whose interest would oblige them to be true to the public, and whose abundance would be likely to set them above temptations to bribery and extortion, yet sit in low places, and can get no preferment (v. 6), either the ruler knows not how to value them or the terms of preferment are such as they cannot in conscience comply with. These are also opportunities to exercise wisdom. A simple story illustrates how a person may be wise and humble, but the good he does is not appreciated by those who benefit from it. Ecclesiastes is one of the few books of the OT, which is not once referred to in the NT, although there might be many parallel thoughts (e. g. Ecclesiastes 5:1 and Matthew 6:7; Ecclesiastes 12:14 and 2 Corinthians 5:10; Ecclesiastes 7:9 and James 1:19 ). 3. Peculiarities So, if your axe head is blunt then youll need to exert more strength to cut down a tree or split wood. A wise man's heart is at his right hand ( Ecclesiastes 10:2 ); I only bring that up because you're going to be reading more and more about the Bohemian Club. To start, the Preacher points to the effect that the speech of the wise and the fool has on themselves. And that gives us the idea that this will certainly happen at some point in the future. Kings have long ears, heavy hands; walls also and hedges have ears. (Trapp), ii. Solomons conclusion is dark but real: neither meaning nor purpose can be discerned through human reason and experience. But considering the dangers of foolishness, it really is tragic. Now, still out of sight of land, he begins to tack his direction towards meaning and truth. A little foolishness can poison a lot of wisdom. And thus, they are exposing themselves to ridicule and to the press which will expose them. II. Now, verses 18 and 19 seem to be unrelated to what weve just been talking about the curse of self-indulgent rulers. (4.) 7 I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. Let me just point out that we have four verbs in these two verses, and the KJV translates them as shall. RSV is a child refers not to age but to general maturity. (Eaton). So, in both cases our attention is brought to the roof of the house. You see it for a moment, then it is gone. By long forbearing is a prince persuaded,Proverbs 25:15. And so it's tragic that wise men can do such foolish things. It can stop big arguments. Old Testament Poetry It is likewise profitable to direct the subjects how to act towards a prince that is inclined to bear hard upon them, so as not to alienate his affections from them, but to win upon him by humble remonstrances (not insolent demands, such as the people made upon Rehoboam), by patient submissions and peaceable expedients. They're zeroing in on the Bohemian Club as one of the things. WebThe Preacher is beginning to direct his arguments in the intended direction. Answer certainly not a fool with all his words. Solomons great wealth meant he could use all his time toward his investigations. In this way they will keep out of trouble (20). So, just dont do it, for your own good. "I have seen servants upon horses, men not so much of mean extraction and education (if that were all, it were the more excusable, nay, there is many a wise servant who with good reason has rule over a son that causes shame), but of sordid, servile, mercenary dispositions. Does Ecclesiastes 5:2 Mean We Cant Be Honest in Our Prayers? To use the metaphor of a ship, he has sailed in many different directions to show us the meaninglessness of life. IV. See what a fool's talk is. I. It He is full of words, for if he do but speak the most trite and common thing, a man cannot tell what shall be, because he loves to hear himself talk, he will say it again, what shall be after him who can tell him? There is not a formula for controlling everything, so we have to hold our plans with open hands and trust the God of the universe to make sense of our enigmatic circumstances. Someone breaking through a wall and a snake biting him. 9:13 (cf. the foolish heart to the left. "No, five." He will presently talk himself into an indecent heat, and break out into the wild extravagancies of a distracted man. Theres no doubt that the heart leads the body. So, foolishness is in many positions of authority. And, of course, we are told that our President and Vice President and former President Richard Nixon, David Rockefeller, that elitist of the United States, members of this Bohemian Club, and they have a little retreat north of San Francisco where they go once a year for a retreat. Do not, in a passion, quit thy post of duty; wait awhile, and thou wilt find that yielding pacifies great offences. One of the most fascinating books of Scripture, Ecclesiastes sets out on a difficult but foundational taskreconciling the human longing to discover and understand, to find meaning and purpose, with the practical realities of being a finite creature in a world created by an infinite being. In Solomon's reign the people were very rich, and lived in prosperity, which perhaps made them proud and petulant, and when the taxes were high, though they had enough to pay them with, it is probable that many conducted themselves insolently towards the government and threatened to rebel. Under the sun is the sphere of what is universally true of all humanity, believer and non-believer alike, throughout all time since the fall of mankind ( Ecclesiastes 1:3, 9, 14; 2:11, 1720; 3:16; 4:1; etc. Read full chapter Ecclesiastes 10:4 in They choose that service which is perfect drudgery rather than that which is perfect liberty. Such is a philosophy of life founded upon human reason and experience. Let not subjects commence a quarrel with their prince, though the public administration be not in every thing as they would have it. Note, It is not strange if those that begin foolishly end madly; for an ungoverned tongue, the more liberty is allowed, grows the more violent. Biblical Text:1 Dead flies make a perfumers oil stink, so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor.2 A wise mans heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.3 Even when the fool walks along the road, his sense is lacking and he demonstrates to everyone that he is a fool.4 If the rulers temper rises against you, do not abandon your position, because composure allays great offenses. WebThe word Ecclesiastes essentially means the preacher and is a translation of the Hebrew word koheleth. If princes become tyrants, or subjects become rebels, all histories will tell both what is likely to be their fate and that it is at their utmost peril, and it were better for both to be content within their own bounds. WebChapter 4 opens by lamenting that the oppression of secular society brings nothing but misery to a man, while the accumulation of wealth brings emptiness, unless there is someone with whom it can be shared! He that is lord of the tongue (so the phrase is), a ruler that has liberty of speech and may say what he will, it is as dangerous dealing with him as with a serpent uncharmed; but, if you use the enchantment of a mild and humble submission, you may be safe and out of danger; herein wisdom, the meekness of wisdom, is profitable to direct. It is our wisdom to preserve our reputation, in managing our affairs dexterously, ver 1-3. Or you could be wise about it and sharpen the axe. 1 Dead flies corrupt and spoil the perfumers oil;. And the end of his talk is raving madness. 2. 11 Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment; and a babbler is no better. Its the same issue here. The land is then blessed, (1.) I mean, you're, when you're a fool you just, it's obvious. And thats what will literally happen when you have princes and kings that are lazy and foolish they will let harmful elements into your society. But when you grow up and you still get into these secret clubs and you have your secret passwords and your secret handshakes and your special little robes and clothes and hats and, you just haven't grown up and that's your problem. i. Oh, how much better it is to yield a point than to hang on. As only a little yeast is needed to cause a big loaf of bread to rise, a little evil corrupts a community (Matt 16:6). And so you're going to be reading more and more about the Bohemian Club. In fact, theyre some activities that display man at his strongest and best. So, the speech of the wise is gracious and by it he receives favor from others. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. And he shows everyone that he is a fool. That's where they got the phrase, "A little bird told me." The mower loses no time when he is whetting his scythe. Your desires and values and such lead the path you take in life. Even when he walks around it can be apparent that he lacks wisdom. To be diligent in our business and provide well for our families, ver 18, 19. b. Some refer this to rulers; it is ill with the people when they give up themselves to luxury and riot, feasting and making merry, not only because their business is neglected, but because money must be had to answer all these things, and, in order to that, the people squeezed by heavy taxes. However, if we begin with faith, we can effectively use our human faculties to realize wisdom and fulfillment. It is so with the public; if the king be a child and will take no care, if the princes eat in the morning and will take no pains, the affairs of the nation suffer loss, and its interests are prejudiced, its honour is sullied, its power is weakened, its borders are encroached upon, the course of justice is obstructed, the treasure is exhausted, and all its foundations are out of course, and all this through the slothfulness of self-seeking of those that should be the repairers of its breaches and the restorers of paths to dwell in, Isa 58 12. This chapter seems to be like Solomon's proverbs, a collection of wise sayings and observations, rather than a part of his sermon; but the preacher studied to be sententious, and "set in order many proverbs," to be brought in in his preaching. 373.] The patient, teachable reader will discover truth, hope, and challenge within these chapters. There is an evil I have seen under the sun, WebEcclesiastes 10:1 reminds us that even small things have consequences. WebCHAPTER 10. And as long as the Preacher is talking about rulers, hell continue in verses 5 and 6 on the same theme. Old Testament Narrative Solomon invites us on a great journey of discovery. A serpent may bite when it is not charmed; Ecclesiastes 10:1 reminds us that even small things have consequences. 5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler [rulers make]: So, whatever is to come is viewed by the Preacher as evil. And your princes feast in the morning! 1. In Ecclesiastes, to be under the sun is to be identified with the realm of human breath and toil and all the results of the curse. The following words may be taken either, (1.) The fool cannot escape his foolishness. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. But thats not the way it works in this sin-cursed world. Youre going to listen to him advise you on whats to come after you in the future? "Curse not the rich, the princes and governors, in thy bed-chamber, in a conclave or club of persons disaffected to the government; associate not with such; come not into their secret; join not with them in speaking ill of the government or plotting against it." Where they entertain themselves by putting on foolish costumes and dancing around, and going through different types of rites and so forth in this Bohemian Club. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). But when I was old, I put away the childish things" ( 1 Corinthians 13:11 ). He lacks wisdom, "If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for gentleness allayeth great offences.". Help! Ecclesiastes 10:2 in all English translations. a. WebEcclesiastes 10:4. 7 I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. In other words, who would want to listen to a fool? Everyone has an innate sense that allows them to discern the difference between wisdom and foolishness. Its good to have rulers who are ready for the job. To use the metaphor of a ship, he has sailed in many different directions to show us the meaninglessness of life. Of what ill consequence slothfulness is both to private and public affairs (v. 18): By much slothfulness and idleness of the hands, the neglect of business, and the love of ease and pleasure, the building decays, drops through first, and by degrees drops down. Seen servants upon the earth 16:8 ; Psalms 110:5 ; Psalms 121:5 ) such foolish.! Through a wall and a snake biting him every thing as they would have.... Abigail David ridicule and to the city to speak ill of our rulers, no, not every., Solomon advises that we have four verbs in these two verses, and princes walking servants... Roof of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place - i. e., not. 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